Saturday, January 28, 2012

BRING IN THE NEW online crop

Come join me this weekend at We Scrap for an online crop! It's awfully snowy outside today, so it's the perfect time to grab some coffee or tea (or both!) and scrap the day away!!! Up for grabs: a $25 gift certificate to Crop Chocolate! In addition, the challenges usually include a RAK from the challenger. I have NEVER left a We Scrap crop without a prize and LOTS of projects completed. Not to mention some laughs and new friends! So come on over and scrap the day away! You won't be sorry!!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Year

Welcome to 2012!
I always think that on January 1, my life will magically change because the day before I made a list. The list is pretty much the same every year: get organized, stick to a budget, get my prayer life in order, do more with the kids..... December 31 comes along, and I realize I didn't stick to the list, and my year ended the same way it began, which is how the year before ended! So I'm going to try something new this year: I'm going to focus on my blessings. That's it! I'm going to declutter my life and my mind, and keep only those people and things that bless me. With less to clutter up my life, I will have more time to focus on those blessings, which will make me a happier person. And I think that as a happier person, the things I usually put on my list will come naturally. And my life will change! I know it's not going to happen over night, but I'm hoping that, come 2013, my list of blessings will be more than I ever expected!
I hope yours will be too. What are YOU blessed with today?